Regional Community and Economic Development Initiatives
Bourbon County offers a number of strategic opportunities for development. Bourbon County has a data driven demand for housing, retail, manufacturing and health care. Each of these areas pose unique opportunities for developers to provide services to bourbon county all the while earning a profit for their businesses. We have a litany of studies that show, in detail, the potential benefit to the community and to prospective developers. The retail study outlines the highest consumer demands within bourbon county, the hospital feasibility study outlines the necessity of more health care providers in our county, and the corridor study outlines why the county is uniquely positioned geographically on a major trade hub, the U.S. 69 highway, and would make a great location to base manufacturing. These studies, in conjunction, make clear that Bourbon County is a perfect opportunity for developers. We also have a strategic plan, that coupled with our many development incentives, shows that our county will be welcoming and business-friendly.